Just Breathe

Just Breathe

Breathing, it's such an easy, vital part of life that we all usually do it constantly, without much thought. Breathing, however, can be so much more and can be utilized in a very amazing and simple way. To think, we all have this powerful tool at our disposal and yet few use it to it's… Continue reading Just Breathe

Onomatopoeic comic word nerd collage via lawhimsy
Word Nerd

Word Nerd : Onomatopoeic

Onomatopoeic is an odd word to describe because it is, in essence, a description! A tip I was given as a wee girl was that if I ever had a question about what an onomatopoeic word means, I should just ask myself, 'What does it sound like?'. I find myself utilizing onomatopoeic words all of… Continue reading Word Nerd : Onomatopoeic

Musings and Mutterings, Poetry

Tis The Season

I am so delighted that the holiday season is upon us once more! To kick things off, I want to share a little poem I wrote a few years back ~ Enjoy! Holiday Magic It's that time of year, When holiday magic floats through the air. When everyone can awake the child inside And treat… Continue reading Tis The Season

Word Nerd

Word Nerd : Gratitude

"Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world." - John Milton This week's Word Nerd is a bit different because instead of a unique, zany or off-the-wall word I am focusing simply on gratitude. It's a word that is… Continue reading Word Nerd : Gratitude

Images, Musings and Mutterings

Artistic Inspiration & A Journal Entry

Today I'm going to share a bit of musing from an older journal entry ~ just a few thoughts I had about art and nature... "...art is never in want since Nature is the greatest artist of all. Where else can one see all the variations of color,texture,shadow and light play all intermixed in such… Continue reading Artistic Inspiration & A Journal Entry

Word Nerd

Word Nerd : Flibbertigibbet

Besides being a delightfully whimsical, onomatopoeic  word to say (flibbertigibbet really just rolls off the tongue with a giggle!) it has been used in quite a few different ways. One of the best known is probably from the song "How do you solve a problem like Maria?" from "The Sound of Music" "...How do you… Continue reading Word Nerd : Flibbertigibbet