Affirmation Mondays

Affirmation Mondays 353 ~ There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy…

"There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy." ~ Life Life is a matter of perspective... “There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy.” It's simply one of those Universal truths ~ There are, and always will be, just as many reasons to be happy as there are to be unhappy. What makes… Continue reading Affirmation Mondays 353 ~ There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy…

Affirmation Mondays

Affirmation Mondays 352 ~ I used to be ashamed of my scars…

"I used to be ashamed of my scars until I realized they are reminders that I have found better days and that the journey to find them was worth it." ~ Ella Patrice We all have scars, we all are marked by the life we live... "I used to be ashamed of my scars until… Continue reading Affirmation Mondays 352 ~ I used to be ashamed of my scars…

Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Saturnine

Saturnine is defined of a person or their manner as slow and gloomy or of a person or their features as dark in coloring and moody or mysterious. Saturnine can also be used to describe someone born under or influenced astrologically by the planet Saturn. Saturnine derives from the Latin Saturninus (of Saturn). Saturnine was… Continue reading Word Nerd: Saturnine

Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Heliotropic

Heliotropic is the property of some plants of turning under the influence of light. Heliotropic is derived from helio- (a combining form meaning “sun”) and -tropic (a combining form with the meanings “turned toward, with an orientation toward”). Heliotropic was first used around 1870-1875. Heliotropic is a word often used in the plant world since… Continue reading Word Nerd: Heliotropic

Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Suffragette and Suffrage

Suffrage is the right to vote in public, political elections and referendums. Suffragette is a woman who advocates suffrage for women. Suffrage and Suffragette both derive from the Latin suffrāgium (vote or support) with the additional -ette which is an English suffix that designates a feminine role or identity. Suffrage was first used between 1350–1400… Continue reading Word Nerd: Suffragette and Suffrage

Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Melomaniac

Melomaniac is an individual that is inordinately and abnormally affected by musical or other tones in certain ranges of sound. Melomaniac derives from the Ancient Greek melos (song, melody, tune) and manía (madness, compulsion, mad desire). A Melomaniac is someone with an abnormal fondness for music. Melomaniac goes hand-in-hand with the word melomania, which is… Continue reading Word Nerd: Melomaniac