a linguaphile dreamscape digital art collage via lawhimsy
Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Linguaphile

Word Nerd Header Apr 2016 via LaWhimsylinguaphile definition word nerd via lawhimsyLinguaphile means one who loves languages and words. Linguaphile originates from the Latin lingua (tongue, language) and the Greek philos (loving).

Linguaphile is a fairly straightforward word and one that few fellow Word Nerds really need defined. I mean, those of us who actively enjoy discovering and using new words are linguaphiles and we know it! I decided upon linguaphile because I wanted to give a shout-out to my fellow word-lovers and to let you know that Word Nerd has been so spotty with posts these last few months due to several megrim causing technical difficulties. I have been doing my utmost to diligently rectify the situation and I am beyond grateful for your patience and understanding (though I wouldn’t blame anyone for feeling a bit disgruntled – I’ve been rather discombobulated over it all). Hopefully I didn’t set off abibliophobia in any one!

a linguaphile dreamscape digital art collage via lawhimsySo many luscious words to add to my dulciloquence / the mere though makes me euphoric / ready to indulge my librocubicularist soul / the one that longs for vellichor and the scent of biblichor / so piquant /a heady treat…Ella

So to all my dear linguaphiles I express my heartfelt gratitude and delight in your visits ~ Here’s to many more to come!

Namaste ~ Ella

*Check out the Word Nerd Index and my Word Nerd Pinterest Board for other superb words!

** If there’s a word you’d like to see added to the Word Nerd roster, please feel free to contact me or suggest it in the comments – I love feedback and recommendations!

