mirabilia happen every day digital collage typewriter via LaWhimsy
Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Mirabilia

Word Nerd Header Apr 2016 via LaWhimsymirabilia definition Word Nerd via LaWhimsyMirabilia is a plural noun that means miraculous events or things that inspire marvelous wonder and awe. Mirabilia seems a quite fitting term for this season of miracles, since even though every season has it’s own mirabilia, the Winter holiday season seems particularly wondrous. Maybe it’s the way the sun renews it’s self on the Solstice or the way that light is celebrated in the darkest time of the year (in the Western Hemisphere, natch), or even just because time and tradition seems to make it so. I’m not here to question the reasoning, I’m here to celebrate the mirabilia that the days hold and the magical qualities that seem to multiply in the chill air.

mirabilia happen every day digital collage typewriter via LaWhimsyIf miracles happen every day /then mirabilia surround us in every way. / Just open your eyes, let your senses commence / let them discover the wonder as it descends. / Joy to us all in this world of our making. / Delight to the souls as we share in awaking. / Together we’ll create the grandest of things / mirabilia shall flourish as we amaze with our dreams! ~ Ella

Mirabilia is a new favorite word and one that I intend to make daily use of as I make it into my own sort of power word!

Namaste ~ Ella

*Check out the Word Nerd Index and my Word Nerd Pinterest Board for other superb words!

** If there’s a word you’d like to see added to the Word Nerd roster, please feel free to contact me or suggest it in the comments – I love feedback and recommendations!
