Blue Ridge Parkway Fall Skyline Fever photography by LaWhimsy
Musings and Mutterings

Autumn Poetry and Photography Along The Blue Ridge Parkway

It's that beautiful, poetic, dreamscape time of year. When the veils between Worlds is thin, the trees give up their foliage in a fiery display, and the days grow colder, darker, and cozier. I adore the sad, sweet Autumn months and take complete delight in the turning of the seasons. This lovely little collection of… Continue reading Autumn Poetry and Photography Along The Blue Ridge Parkway

Wangle Word Nerd via LaWhimsy
Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Wangle

To wangle, or persuade, someone is to basically get your way or what you want. Usually wangle has a negative connotation, however, I think it can be a positive thing. I'm not a big one for trickery or deception, but I think that attempts to wangle with sweetness, positive persuasion or even witty cleverness are… Continue reading Word Nerd: Wangle

Noel Word Nerd via LaWhimsy
Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Noel

Word Nerd is an on-going feature that shares and highlights unique, whimsical and sometimes forgotten or overlooked words. It’s dedicated to the logophile in us all. Noel (no-el) noun The Christmas season; Yuletide. A carol or song. Noel to each and every one of you, whether you celebrate the season or not. May songs of… Continue reading Word Nerd: Noel

Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Treacle

Treacle is a delightful word, overly sweet and cloying. Treacle treats, all syrupy golden, make taste buds dance with joy. When things are treacly they are showing an excessive sentimentality, and just like the syrup that uses treacle as it's name, it's a sticky, gooey, tooth-achy mess! Treacle is also a word that could easily… Continue reading Word Nerd: Treacle

A Christmas Carol Scrooge illustration detail
Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Scrooge

In 1843 a character named Ebenezer Scrooge first appeared in a rather charming tome titled "A Christmas Carol" by one Charles Dickens, and ever since the word scrooge has been used to describe persons who possess a dismal, greedy, and downright bah-humbug disposition. Naturally, Ebenezer Scrooge mended his ways and attitude (it being Christmas, after all),… Continue reading Word Nerd: Scrooge

Clinquant Word Nerd via LaWhimsy
Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Clinquant

Clinquant, what better time of year to discover this twinkling gem of a word?! Clinquant is of French origin, from clinquer (to glitter, or literally, to clink). As is well known around these parts, glitter makes me one very happy gal, so to have yet another lovely term to describe it makes me down right… Continue reading Word Nerd: Clinquant