nemorivagant a modern fairytale via LaWhimsy
Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Nemorivagant

Nemorivagant combines the terms nemoral (of a wood or grove) and vagant (a wanderer who has no established residence) into one utterly divine word that means wandering through a forest. Nemorivagant is one of many words that stem off of the nemorous (wooded) word - a few others include nemophilist (one who loves the woods)… Continue reading Word Nerd: Nemorivagant

croquis back sketch by Ella Patrice via LaWhimsy
Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Croquis

A croquis is a quick sketch, usually of a live model or of the human form. Since croquis is a French term for a basic figure template, it's a very familiar word in the fashion design industry. Croquis is actually new word to me, though not a new concept since I've been familiar with quick sketching… Continue reading Word Nerd: Croquis

Irenic Eirene Goddess of Peace jacques dumont peace 1749 via LaWhimsy
Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Irenic

Irenic describes something that is peaceful or creates peace and it is a most fitting word this week since we could all use something irenic. Irenic derives from from the Greek word eirēnē, which means peace (by no coincidence, Eirene is also the Greek goddess of peace). While the worship of the gods and goddesses… Continue reading Word Nerd: Irenic

Boketto lass by Charles Amable Lenoir - LaBergere crop via LaWhimsy
Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Boketto

Boketto is a thoroughly gorgeous Japanese word that has no exact or decent English translation. Boketto is the act of gazing out into the distance with no thoughts, losing yourself in the vast, almost unseeing horizon. Boketto is a term that my soul readily recognized and felt an instant kinship with. That mindless, distant, far-seeing… Continue reading Word Nerd: Boketto

zaftig Portrait of Marie-Louis O'Murphy (Nude on a Sofa) - Francois Boucher
Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Zaftig

Zaftig is really a quite lovely word that derives from the Yiddish zaftik (juicy) and the German saft (juice). Zaftig is used to describe a curvaceous, shapely woman, just as gamine is used to describe a pert, boyish woman. Zaftig is a positive word and one that instead of being used by men to describe… Continue reading Word Nerd: Zaftig

Scarlett with all of her obsequious beaus in gone with the wind
Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Obsequious

Obsequious is one of those darling words that sounds and reads so wonderfully. Obsequious simply rolls off of the tongue so splendidly and using obsequious to describe someone, whether it be a political sycophant or an obnoxious beau or even one of those lost souls who latch onto someone and follow their every movement like… Continue reading Word Nerd: Obsequious