peiskos fireplace delight gif via lawhimsy
Word Nerd

Word Nerd: Peiskos

Word Nerd Header Apr 2016 via LaWhimsyPeiskos definition via Word Nerd by LaWhimsyPeiskos is a Norwegian word that describes the feelings one gets as they sit in front of a fire enjoying it’s warmth. Peiskos is a beautiful feeling and it’s exciting to find a word that actually describes that cozy in the bones sensation that comes from curling up in front of a crackling fire and simply enjoying the warmth, the stillness, the soothing snaps and cracks of the fire, and the mesmerizing flickering of the flames. Peiskos also seems to fit the holiday season to a tee, since what better way to enjoy the true heart of this season then with the joy found in the simple elegance of a fire (even if it’s one on a screen)?! Yes, even in this digital age, peiskos can be achieved with a bit of technical magic since the sounds and sights can be re-created (even the warmth, depending on what sort of device you’re using, lol). Peiskos is all about a feeling, an ambient mood and certain sort of peaceful, contented calm.


Peiskos is just the sort of way I want to be feeling right now – warm, cozy, contented, calm, soothed, and sated as I sit peacefully in front of a fire.

Namaste ~ Ella

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