There is no limit to how vibrant, creative and alive you can be LaWhimsy quote Monday Mantra via LaWhimsy 1Monday Mantra via LaWhimsy
Affirmation Mondays

Affirmation Mondays 215 – There is no limit to how vibrant, creative and alive you can be

There is no limit to how vibrant, creative and alive you can be LaWhimsy quote Monday Mantra via LaWhimsy 1Monday Mantra via LaWhimsyThere is no limit to how vibrant, creative and alive you can be.” ~ LaWhimsy

When it comes to your existence, there are actually few limits holding you back from your potential…

There is no limit to how vibrant, creative and alive you can be.

It often strikes me that the only limits I tend to repeatedly run into when it comes to my endeavors, be they creative, emotional, mental, whatever, are the limits I somehow put in place myself. By that I mean they aren’t actually true limits – only limits I imagined to the point of seeming real. I am the cause of and solution to my own limitations.

Reality is there are no limits to how vibrant, creative and alive I can be – just as there are no limits to how vibrant, creative and alive you can be. The only limits that exist are completely self-created and usually through no fault or flaw of your own. Those limits were undoubtedly influenced, and sometimes quite heavily influenced, by outside sources. I mean, society alone, with it’s fear-based messaging and desire to keep us small, is a major source. Parents, teachers, peer-groups, social media, the list can feel endless – all of these can add messages that we internalize and use to create these limitations that keep us from being our best, most vibrant, creative and alive selves.

It’s so easy to stay stuck within these self-made limitations. To stay small and in this “good enough” kind of place. We may even tell ourselves that we are fine and ignore it when we hit up against a limit we set in place. We settle and tell ourselves that limiting “that’s not who I am“. And as we do that we become a little bit less vibrant, our creativity slips away, and we feel less alive and less in our true selves.

I so get it. I get that limits can feel set in stone or seem impossible to surmount. I’ve been there, hell, I’m still there with what feels like so many things. It sucks. However, the more willing I am to actually accept that I’m in control of my own limits, that I actually created them, the more I am able to begin dismantling them. The more limits I get rid of in my own mind, the more I am able to embrace who I truly am. And the more I do that, the more vibrant, creative and alive I become and that is the most awesome feeling! Yes, there will always be another limit that will rear it’s ugly block of a head, but the more power I gain, the more able and willing I’ll be to get rid of it.

You are so totally capable of doing this for yourself too. Those limits you have, the ones that try to tell you you aren’t capable of this or that, or that you have no talent or aren’t good enough or skilled enough or whatever, are not permanent. Those limits are false and you created them through no fault of your own, but due to outer lies becoming internalized. You weren’t meant to be dulled and kept away from your true self. You have the power, the strength and the ability to shed the limits that are holding you back. Just by starting to recognize them you are beginning to regain your actual power.

Life, your life, is an even more incredible thing the more you recognize your awesomeness and the more you realize that there is no limit to how vibrant, creative and alive you can be. It’s up to you to choose to live without those falsely placed limits that don’t actually have to be. You’ve got this and you’ve got no limits when it comes to embracing, loving and accepting you and all that you are capable of!

Namaste ~ Ella

~ Affirmation Mondays are positive words of wisdom, insight and joy to add a bit of cheer to the start of your week and any day you need a bit of a pick-me-up! For even more inspiration please check out my Affirmation Mondays Pinterest Board and my Quote-spirational Board!

~ Visit my Instagram ~ on Mondays there are Inspirational quotes and every day has a little jolt of happiness to brighten up your life!






