No Negative Vibes Please Monday Mantra via LaWhimsy
Affirmation Mondays

Affirmation Mondays 34 ~ We don;t appreciate negative vibes around here. Kindly move along…

No Negative Vibes Please Monday Mantra via LaWhimsyIt’s beginning to feel a lot like curmudgeons are taking over the world. Alright, so that’s a highly dramatic way of putting it, but really, what is it about this time of year in particular that seems to bring out so many cynics and grinches with their negative vibes? I can totally understand that life is not all sparkles, sunshine, happiness, and unicorns, but why focus so heavily on the bad, the gloomy, the down-right blahness that’s around? The positive is every bit as easy to find and rejoice in as the negative is. Will there be bad times, certainly. Will I wallow, sometimes. I can be grumpy, bad-tempered, surly, even crank-spanky at times. However, on the whole I choose to generate and surround myself with positive vibes, a glowing energy, sparkles, and self-made sunshine. As for the naysayers, You do what you want, but negative vibes are not appreciated around here, so kindly move along.

Namaste ~ Ella

~ Affirmation Mondays are positive words of wisdom, insight and joy to add a bit of cheer to the start of your week and any day you need a bit of a pick-me-up! For even more inspiration please check out my Affirmation Mondays Pinterest Board and my Quote-spirational Board!