The color of love Marc Chagall art life quote Monday Mantra 182 via LaWhimsy
Affirmation Mondays

Affirmation Mondays 182 – In our life there is a single color…It is the color of love.

The color of love Marc Chagall art life quote Monday Mantra 182 via LaWhimsyIn our life there is a single color, as on an artist’s palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of love.” ~ Marc Chagall

Life has so many depths, details, lines, and layers, and yet there is one key element that ties it all together into one lush, extraordinary canvas – love…

In our life there is a single color, as on an artist’s palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of love.

Whether you consider yourself an artist or creative soul, we each of us is the sole designer of our lives. With this in mind, as you weave and dab and arrange and rearrange all the components that make up your life’s layout, note the repeating patterns and elements. Those things and people and events that seem to keep showing up, sometimes in major ways, other times in quiet, almost unnoticeable, yet still impactful ways. They have one beautiful, fundamental thing in-common ~ Love.

Love is what drives us. What gives meaning and purpose to our soul journeys. This love has many faces, many faucets, and more names then there are stars in all the heavens. Love of others, of life, of animals, of Nature, of self. Love provides depth and dimension to our unique paths and stories. It gives us strength and it is what helps us to look outside of ourselves and see a bigger, more amazing world. Love is what reminds of where we came from and drives us to where we want to be.

One thing to keep in mind when it comes to love is that to get the very most out of your life, you need to love yourself. You are worthy of love and you are worth loving. Nothing you do makes you less lovable and rare is it indeed to find anyone who is truly repulsive and unlovable through and through. The more love to give to yourself, the kinder and gentler you treat yourself, the more that love will grow and multiply and the more you will have to shine out to the world. Besides, as someone wise once said “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love anyone else?

Allow your life’s canvas to become saturated with love. Design your day-to-day to be filled with love. Become fluent in the language of love. See love everywhere you look and let love be everywhere you are. This one color, this one element can bring a depth, a richness to your world and soul that will unveil it’s meaning and your true purpose. So go and let love. What are you waiting for?

Namaste ~ Ella

~ Affirmation Mondays are positive words of wisdom, insight and joy to add a bit of cheer to the start of your week and any day you need a bit of a pick-me-up! For even more inspiration please check out my Affirmation Mondays Pinterest Board and my Quote-spirational Board!

~ Check my Instagram on Mondays for Inspirational quotes and every day for a little jolt of happiness!








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