Whatever you do, so long as you operate with honesty, integrity and kindness, the Universe will have your back. Always. life quote Monday Mantra 168 via LaWhimsy
Affirmation Mondays

Affirmation Mondays 168 – Whatever you do, so long as you operate with honesty, integrity and kindness…

Whatever you do, so long as you operate with honesty, integrity and kindness, the Universe will have your back. Always. life quote Monday Mantra 168 via LaWhimsy‘Whatever you do, so long as you operate with honesty, integrity and kindness, the Universe will have your back. Always.” ~ Ella of LaWhimsy

This life, your life, is wholly of your making.

Yes, there will be outside influences and actions that can and will affect you and your life, however, how you react and allow them in is up to you. Whatever you choose to do with your one small and precious life, so long as you operate with honesty, integrity and kindness, the Universe will have your back. Always.

It’s truly as amazing and simple as that.

So be honest with yourself and with all those who cross your path. Own your emotions, your reactions, your actions, your abilities, your limitations, your quirks, and your gifts in an honest, open way. Treat yourself and others with integrity, be fair and don’t judge, be generous with your time and talents, be sincere as you listen and learn and speak.

And most important of all be kind. Be kind to yourself, you are only an imperfectly perfect human after all. Be kind to others, for they are the same as you. Be kind to the Earth, it’s our home and home to all those came before and will come after you. Be kind to animals, for they feel pain and comfort just as you do. Be kind and let kindness be your measure for living your best life.

Do these wonderful, compassionate, loving things for yourself and your world and the Universe will have your back. It will always catch you, protect you, and provide exactly what you need.

It might not always seem like it, since the Universe provides what you need and not always exactly what you want, but you will always end up just as you should, right where you should, with all that you need and more. Incredible, isn’t it?!

Namaste ~ Ella

~ Affirmation Mondays are positive words of wisdom, insight and joy to add a bit of cheer to the start of your week and any day you need a bit of a pick-me-up! For even more inspiration please check out my Affirmation Mondays Pinterest Board and my Quote-spirational Board!

~ Check my Instagram on Mondays for Inspirational quotes and every day for a little jolt of happiness!






