Just Breathe

Just Breathe A Simple 5 Minute Meditation

Just Breathe and Find Your Center a meditation via LaWhimsyBreathing, it’s such an easy, vital part of life that we all do constantly, without much thought. Breathing, however, can be so much more and can be utilized in a very amazing and simple way. To think, we all have this powerful tool at our disposal and yet we often do not use it to it’s potential. Meditation is one of those ways we can focus in on the power of breathing, but it can quite intimidating. I mean, sure it sounds simple – sit quietly, stop thinking, and breathe – but it is hardly that since over-thinking is too often a curse in this always moving World of ours! With practice and patience, just stopping to breathe can turn into a powerful meditation in it’s own right. That being said, I thought I might share a simple 5 minute breathing meditation that can bring about a bit of calm and help you to refocus yourself…

Here’s The To-Do

  • Step aside, go somewhere quiet (or as quiet as possible). Put on headphones if you have them – if not, just having your speakers turned up a bit on your computer will work.
  • Click on the ‘Click &  Just Breathe’ image below, close your eyes and rest yourself.
  • Focus on your breathing. Breathe in and think “calm” then breathe out and think “joy” (or any other set of words you like, heck even the numbers 1 and 2 will work just fine).
  • Continue to do this and allow your breathing to slow down, deepen or simply just do what it wants. If your mind wanders, don’t fret, just let it go and focus on your breathing once more.
  • At the end of 5 minutes 3 bells will chime and that’s it ~ Doesn’t that feel wonderful?!

Click and  Just Breathe Meditation Music via LaWhimsyWhen you first start to take this simple 5 minute meditation break you may find your mind wandering about like crazy – don’t let that discourage you. It can take some time for your brain to realize that there is a time and a place for all of those thoughts. Mindfulness, meditation, and breath-focusing aids you in learning how to calm and quiet the crazy-brain train. I’ve been practicing meditation and breathing techniques off and on for years and I still run into frustrating times with it – usually because I’m fretting myself into a froth because of one thing or another (sometimes just because I think I am breathing wrong!). Keeping at it helps soothe my perfectionist mindset, eases my ADHD tendency’s, and I always feel so much better for taking that time to just slow down and just breathe.

Inhale Exhale via LaWhimsy5 minutes is really all it takes to begin establishing a happier, healthier, calmer, and centered life. Try it today and see for yourself!

Namaste ~ Ella

For even more meditation, mindfulness, and healthy, happy goodness please check out my Just Breathe Page & my Just Breathe & Your Best You Pinterest boards!

This post first appeared on Lawhimsy.com

*Music by Liquid Mind (Chuck Wild) ©2011 Gold Masque Music (ASCAP).

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